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Picture description: ocean waves crashing along a rocky shore.
by JM Longworth
Small child
curly dark hair
smile betraying
a great secret
Stands at
the shore
a vast ocean
roaring tides
She stoops
once more
Dipping the clay jar
into surf
It seems
the task
will never end
bottling the ocean
A stranger
sickly wings
sharp tongue
asks her
That’s it?
Ocean in a jar?
This trick is
Your big idea?
Nose wrinkling
She dips again
Catching waves
Mist clinging
She replies
It will be
the greatest gift
ever given
JM Longworth (they, them, theirs) lives in Rutland, Vermont with their partner Sara and two dogs. They are currently serving as the pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and as co-pastor of the Faith on Foot Ministry Cooperative. JM also serves on the Board of Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries, and as a Formation & Vocation Coordinator for the Order of Ecumenical Franciscan.