ELM’S PROCLAIM–The professional community for publicly identified LGBTQIA+ Lutheran rostered ministers and candidates.

Proclaim is a program of Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries (ELM).

Who are members of Proclaim?

People who  publicly identify as LGBTQIA+ (lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, intersex, asexual, +) and who are:

  • Rostered Lutheran ministers (ELCA, ELM, ELCIC, LCMS, WELS, etc)
  • Rostered Lutheran ministers on leave from call
  • Retired previously rostered Lutheran ministers
  • Seminarians who have completed “entrance” in candidacy
  • Approved candidates awaiting call

Benefits of Proclaim Membership?

Does it cost money to join Proclaim?

We are committed to making Proclaim as accessible as possible. So, unlike similar professional groups, there is no required cost to join. That said, ELM is independently funded, and we invite Proclaim members to support the full scope of ELM’s ministry through an annual contribution.  We suggest $100 for those in a call and $25 for seminarians or those without call. Contributions are welcome anytime throughout the year, and many Proclaimers choose an automated monthly giving option. Proclaim does a member giving drive in the fall of each year. Give online or mail a check to: ELM, PO Box 14317, Chicago, IL 60614-8503.

Finish this survey to complete your Proclaim sign up!

A note on credentials: Proclaim, a program of Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries, is a professional community. It is not a rostering or credentialing body. Credentials for ministry are determined by each Proclaim member’s own rostering body or seminary. In the case of people retired from their denomination’s roster, please see that denomination’s guidelines regarding retired roster members. Membership in Proclaim does not indicate any qualifications for ministry beyond each member’s own denomination.