ELM Autumn Update: what the Board of Directors has been up to in the past few months.

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by Tom Gehring & Mycah McNett

Greetings in the name of the One who created all things good, who redeemed all people through radical love, and who sustains all bodies with the breath of divinity. It is my joy to write to you all in this first of many updates on the work of the ELM Board of Directors. We understand that many of you are likely curious about what the Board has been working on and that news and communication has been sparse the past several months. The Communications team plans to send semi-frequent updates (like the one you’re reading right now!) to keep all of you looped in.

To start, here are some updates on Board Membership, both people cycling out of board service and joining. We give abundant and joyful thanks for the completed services of Rev Lindsey Jorgensen-Skakum (board secretary), Jessica Davis, Ryan Fordice, and Rev Kelsey Green. We celebrate and commemorate their faithful terms serving this ministry and wish them well in their current and future endeavors. We also celebrate Rev Bergen Nelson beginning their service as a board member and look forward to how their gifts will aid the board in its ministry. The current members of the board and brief bios of each person can be seen on the ELM website

Photo of Rozella Haydée WhiteIn April, the ELM Board began working with Rozella Haydee-White and RHW Consulting to coach the board in clarifying our vision for the ministry of ELM in this current and emerging moment. Specifically, Rozella and the board are working to 1) solidify ELM’s strategic direction, defining and prioritizing ELM’s programs, 2) navigate and strategize for the process of hiring and onboarding new staff, and 3) overall clarifying and communicating ELM’s identity and function. We are grateful for the ways in which Rozella has helped the board thus far and look forward to the remaining 6 months of working together.

If you are curious about the work the board has been focusing on and discussing in our monthly meetings, check out meeting minutes here on our website. These Board Meeting minutes are a summary of what was on the agenda and discussed in each month’s ELM Board of Directors meeting. The board approves the summary of the minutes in the following month and then they are posted to the website. That means if a meeting happens in January, the January minutes will not be posted until after they are approved in February’s meeting.

That’s it for this update! Thank you, as always, for supporting ELM. As we reflect upon what this organization has been and envision what it is becoming, we do so in the confidence that the Spirit continues to guide us in ministry together. 

The ELM Communications Team
Tom Gehring
Mycah McNett


Bio: Tom Gehring (He/They) is a pastor currently working as a chaplain in Metro Chicago providing spiritual care for individuals living with, or at risk for HIV. In their free time Tom loves to DJ, spend time outside, play lots of games (both video and board), read excessively thick fantasy novels, and work out with his lovely gym community. Tom has been serving as a member of ELM’s board of directors since October of ’23 and is honored to be a part of this ministry.


Bio: Mycah McNett (she/her) is a 2023 graduate of United Lutheran Seminary and is ordained in the ELCA. Mycah holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology from James Madison University, specializing in environmental and evolutionary fields as well as anthropology. After college, she served as a Young Adult in Global Mission through the ELCA. Before attending seminary, Mycah served as a lay staff member in a Lutheran congregation where she worked with communication, youth, and young adult ministries. Currently, Mycah is located just outside Philadelphia, PA with her spouse and three cats: Clem, Clio, and Minnie. 

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