By Jen Rude
“...the mystery that has been hidden throughout the ages and generations but has now been revealed to God’s saints.” Colossians 1:26

There are indeed many wonderful mysteries in our faith. But some mysteries are meant to be revealed. Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries is excited to reveal our newest resource: The Mysteries of the Ages: ELM’s Unofficial Guide for LGBTQ First Call Candidates.
The candidacy and first call process for rostered ministry is filled with both faithful mysteries and frustrating mysteries. This resource is an attempt to relieve at least a bit of the frustrating part by sharing the wisdom and experiences of those who’ve been there before.
A group of first call pastors from Proclaim and members of ELM’s Candidacy Accompaniment Team worked together to create this new resource for LGBTQ candidates in the Lutheran candidacy and first call process. The resource is filled with prayers, tips, advice, questions, and a good dose of humor. And practical things like: where to come out in your paperwork, or how to deal with awkward questions about your sexuality, or how to celebrate the gift of being an LGBTQ child of God in ministry.
We hope that this will be a helpful tool for LGBTQ candidates as they faithfully respond to God’s call and the church’s call to rostered ministry.
Check it out! The Mysteries of the Ages: ELM’s Unofficial Guide for LGBTQ First Call Candidates. It’s also available under “Resources” on the website.
Your contribution to ELM helped us create this and other LGBTQ-specific ministry resources. Thank you for investing in these leaders and ministries!
Rev. Jen Rude, ELM program director, lives in the tension between loving a good mystery and longing for a good reveal. Among life’s current mysteries she ponders are… why her favorite food (concord grapes) are only in season for a few weeks a year, why people put their feet/purse/backpack/garbage on the free seat next to them on a crowded El train, what God is up to that we might be missing, and how long she will be able to hold out before getting a smartphone.