Earlier this month, Pastor Erik Christensen (ELM Co-Chair) was elected by members of the Central Conference of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod to serve as their dean. Pastor Erik serves as lead pastor of St. Luke’s Lutheran Church of Logan Square.
According to the synod’s constitution, deans serve to assist the conference with goalsetting, build and maintain collegial relationships between and among clergy in the conference, and act as a channel for communication between the synod and the local parish.
Pastor Erik shares that the sturggles of many parishes in the Central Conference mirror the struggles he faces at St. Luke’s.
“Many of these congregations face declining membership, rapidly changing communities and the need to proclaim the good news of God’s inclusive, justice-creating love in fresh ways to their neighbors,” writes Christensen.
Pastor Erik is the first ELM-rostered clergy person called to serve in the Metropolitan Chicago Synod, and has been serving St. Luke’s since October, 2006.
In May, we wrote that Pastor Jay Wiesner had been elected by members of the Central Philadelphia conference. At the request of his bishop, Pastor Jay has stepped down from that position, due to his status as an ELM-rostered pastor.