ELM Advent Haiku: Rev. Carla Christopher

Tenderly reveal
The child who loves without fear
Heal this broken star

-Carla Christopher

*image description: a baby holds tenderly to a parent’s finger with the words: Tenderly reveal, The child who loves without fear, Heal this broken star. 

Rev. Carla Christopher (she/hers) is a Proclaim Chaplain, pastor of an Open and Affirming UCC congregation, and also serves as Assistant to the Bishop in Charge of Justice Ministries in Lower Susquehanna Synod/Central Pennsylvania (land of the Susquehannock).

ELM Advent Haiku: Sharei Green

Darkness is sacred
A place for great wondering
Enfleshed in God’s Love

-Sharei Green

*image description: hues of purple lights with the words: Darkness is sacred, a place for great wondering, enfleshed in God’s Love. 

Sharei Green (she/her) is a Womanist theologian currently pursuing her MDiv at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. Sharei has a strong commitment to community healing and sabbath, especially in BIPOC communities and all their intersections. She is the co-author of God’s Holy Darkness, a children’s book that deconstructs anti-Blackness in Christian theology by celebrating instances in the story of God’s people when darkness, blackness, and night are beautiful, good, and holy. She serves on staff with ELM as the operations support person. 

ELM Advent Haiku: John Brett

Grieving travelers
Listen: the motor humming
Beauty in the world

-John Brett
*image description: photo of a donkey standing in red desert sand with the words: Grieving travelers, Listen: the motor humming, beauty in the world. 
John M. Brett (he/hym/hys), ELCA seminarian & street chaplain, serves the SF Night Ministry as Minister of Faithful&Fabulous! & Director of Community Programs, where he offers queer-centric ministry & multifaith programming & accompaniment. Christened IrReverend & High Priest of Fabulous by parishioners, his first on-the-job pastoral care lesson was to remember to tip the drag queens. He leads Drag Street Eucharists around the country & serve on the organizing committee for the now annual Spiritual DragCon.