The Rev. Jenny Mason served as an ELCA missionary in Santiago, Chile before being removed from the ELCA clergy roster in 2001 because of being an openly lesbian woman in relationship. More recently, Jenny served as Associate Pastor at Central City Lutheran Mission (CCLM) in San Bernardino, California, which was disciplined by the Synod for installing Jenny as an openly lesbian woman pastor. This resulted in the loss of both funding and official ELCA status as a congregation in development for this unique social ministry and active worship community.
She holds a Master of Divinity degree from Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, OH, and a Doctorate of Ministry in Proclamation from the Lutheran School of Theology, Chicago. Jenny moved to the Twin Cities in 2005 to live with her partner Jodi Barry, and now works as a Congregational Partnership Organizer for a faith-based developer of affordable housing.
Rev. Jenny Mason was approved for reinstatement to the ELCA clergy roster in 2010.
hey jenny: im so proud of you, dr jenny. it has been a long time. im doing much better, had a few sick years,but all is much better now. i see that you and jodi are still together and you are now a dr jenny. how wonderful. i just googled you name and found you. im so glad. please contact me back and tell me your news. i can be reached at ladymsw2012@gmail.com, by the way ima grandmother of 2 beautiful boys