Namoli Brennet
Namoli Brennet

Luther College alumna and ELM executive director Amalia Vagts and musician Namoli Brennet will present the 2012 Luther College Sihler workshop Sunday, April 15 at 3 p.m. in Studio II in the Center for the Arts.

The workshop, titled “Singer, Shine your Light/Doer, Do your Thing: Adventures in Faith, Gender, Music and Activism,” is open to the public with no charge for admission.

Vagts and Brennet will lead an interactive afternoon performance exploring finding and using your voice in faith and activism. During the workshop Vagts and Brennet will share their own adventures via voice, imagery, movement and music.During the second half of the workshop participants will be invited to watch or engage in an “open stage” format with their own stories, performance or questions.

Attendees are invited to bring a musical instrument or other prop and prepare one selection of music, writing, movement, stand-up or other original, personal reflection connected to faith, gender and activism. Go here for more information.